Looking out the front window at the house I found this.
We call them writing spiders. Legend has it if you show them your teeth they will write your name and you will die. Cheery eh?
They don't have the best handwriting.
Well this guy must not have heard the legend. I spose pinchers count as teeth.
Moral of the story: It pays to listen.
I didn't hear about this part of the legend.
My lips are sealed.
OH.MY.GOD! Now I'm going to have the willies when I try to go to bed. How big is this thing??
Oh good Lord, that is the most frightening thing...I have not heard that legend but I sure the heck am not going to try it out. Ewwwwwww.
Wonder what his name was?..lol
I love southern folklore...tell me another one.
These pics give me the shivers. I can almost feel Mr. Spider crawling on my back. ugh!
Great pics. Captures the beauty of life and the inevitability of death. Nice post.
"They don't have the best handwriting". I definitely showed my teeth on that one...hilarious!
Pictured a spider school with a strict matron spider (?) showing the kids cursive.
Very nice pictures.
I about ran into a giant spider in my backyard two weeks ago. I don't freak out about spiders, but that one was scary. Nothing like that one here, though.
Oh, my! We don't have that kind of spider up here (all of our spiders are illiterate!).
Minnesota's spiders are, however, much bigger than normal than normal this year. We had a very hot summer, prolonged heat, and the spiders grew big and fat.
Winter oughta take care of that. :-)
At first I thought with 8 arms the spider should be able to write better. But after pondering it for a bit I realize they spin the web from the back side. Then I thought how good my writing would be if I had to pinch a pencil betwixt the cheeks and write.
OK. Because it is outside YOUR window, I will say that is one beautiful spider.
If it had been outside my window, it would be very squished.
Lol @ all these comments had me cracking up. Hilarious.
Great pictures. Nature at it's best. The cycle of life. (at least that's what I tell myself when I hit a rabbit or squirrel and a vulture comes to pick it up).
If that was the kind of thing outside my house, I'd never GO outside. lol!
Ha ha! Never heard that legend before. I have several writing spiders around here...one of which has been living off my back deck for months now and seems to be missing a leg. Although I have intense arachnophobia (the wolf spider multiplying in the garage are just about to do me in)writing spiders, for some odd reason, do not wig me out too much. I think it's because of Wilbur and Charlotte. :)
I just have to say, BEST reply comment ever! So wrong but oh so funny.
Why Thank you Ipenka. I do try.
Wish I wouldd have thunk about it when writing the post.
I think they are creepy but kind of cool
Suthern, I've nominate your witty blog for the Versatile Blogger Award. If you'd like to participate, please pop on over. If not, no worries. :)
Very cool!!! Except if they've written my name or crawl in my bed.
I hate large spiders. We had a banana spider in our azalea bush for three years. When hurricane Gustav blew threw it moved on. Thank God.
Oh. MY! So, I enjoyed scrolling through your blog so much that I'm now following :) YAY!
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